Tag Archives: girl

That is so Awesome!!!

11 May

I am all guy. 6’3″, 205 pounds and 100% guy. Yet, I couldnt be happier to see the results of a recent survey– 53% of runners in races were women. The percentage keeps climbing! So cool.

Why is this so cool? I am married to a beautiful runner (who I just cant keep up with at any distance over 10 miles – but more on that on another day) and I have 2 beautiful girls. I have 3 races in May. 1 down and 2 to go. I hope that these events and my attempt at daily exercise inspires my wife and daughters to keep up their active lifestyles.

I know it is keeping me in shape and giving me the energy to get through long days and achieve much at work at on the home front. I think it is working. At my daughters have exercise almost daily at school. There is usually a component of running. I get the daily updates from the kids on who finished first, second, etc. I am always so proud when they announce “Dad, I was the third one finished with our “Eagles (laps around the field)” but I was the first girl! I just cant catch that William- he is too fast.” No, that is just too darn cute.

You see, one of the biggest challenges facing our country (and beyond) is our health. Some call it wellness. It doesnt matter what you call it, we are drifting into unhealthy lifestyles, eating too much, and not exercising enough. If you really want to address all the budget problems we have in Washington, we need to get healthier as a country. Exercise is part of that solution.

I hope the next article I post is that registrations in running events are up 50%. I hope.
