Tag Archives: 10k

Mountain Trail Race

7 May


It was a cool morning. Overcast. Perfect racing conditions. I ran into some running friends before the race. We talked about past races, successes and failures. We all shared our plans for this Verdugo Mountain 10k trail race.

Sure, a 10k. No problem – right? This one was harder than any I have done. 3.1 miles straight up. 1,750 vertical feet of elevation climb on a fire road with 500 of your best friends. Before we knew it, we were at the starting line singing the national anthem.

We were off. Bodies jockeying for position. All the hard work had paid off. I was breathing heavy and legs were starting to burn. What was that? The 1 mile marker? You have to be kidding me. We grinded it out, up up up. I got passed by my buddy Craig about 30 seconds before the turn around point – He won his age division (60).

The way down was easy- right? No, it took forever to get my lungs going. I was running sub 7 minute miles although I didnt feel it. Then it happened. Somewhere around half way down, my right toe caught a protruding rock and I went flying. I think I broke my fall with my shoulder, or was it my elbow. I dont know. It hurt. It bled. I shouted a few expletives, so loud in fact that the runner in front of me turned around. I found my feet and got going. My confidence was as bruised as my body but I kept going.

I felt a surge of energy when i saw the 5 mile marker. I felt the blisters in my feet start to burn. Finally the last turn and the finish line. I grabbed a water and cheered some friends who were still crossing the line. Finally, I was ready to visit the Medic. They cleaned me up and sent me on my way. It was a great and memorable race.

Join me next year?!?!?